Working in a relatively confined area, on a vessel, (it’s not a cruise ship or anything remotely luxurious) the middle of the ocean.. this does consequently mean a rather limited number of activities to choose from. There’s things like table tennis, foosball, basketball on the helideck (more like a combined rugby version that only the men play, which means best case scenario getting elbowed in the face after 5 seconds in to the game..this did happen, so best to avoid that). There is a dining/kitchen area that seems to have an unlimited supply of fruit, cakes, chocolate, snacks, you name it throughout the won’t be getting hungry on here that’s for sure.
But first let me tell you a little bit more about me, and maybe you can relate. I’m always seeking for any kind of happiness i can get, big or small, especially on the boat where often it feels like i’m on an emotional roller-coaster ride that will never stop. I am currently on a steep learning curve to realising that we all are truly the source of our own happiness. This brings me to diet and our health, the importance of it and how it’s almost number 1 on the happiness list. I’ve always been very into keeping fit and eating healthy foods. I could spend hours searching websites and reading articles on it. For several years since the age of 15, I massively yo-yo dieted which predictably caused fluctuations in my weight, on a weekly basis. I’m pretty sure I had ground my metabolism to a saddening halt. Around that age many girl’s bodies are changing, and along with it, insecurities and over-conscious views on body image come hand-in-hand. FINALLY in my twenties, after trial and error i’ve learned moderation and integrated this in to my lifestyle. I’ve never been big, but now my weight is pretty consistent and I feel fitter and more toned than ever before. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. My simple philisophy: -Every day, be active. Not necessarily having a workout in the gym, as this isn’t for everyone. Even taking the stairs instead of the escalator, walking that extra half hour instead of taking the car. -Eat fresh, non-processed, healthy foods, 90% of the time. You’d be deluding yourself in to thinking it’s possible to rule out any form of sweet, fried or baked ‘bad’ foods forever. Just don’t do it every day. Only as a treat every so often. In other words, don’t rule out any kind of food. It’s all about moderation. -It’s a lifestyle, make it habit. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. You may be one of those damn lucky people with an amazing metabolism, easily getting away with eating a cheeseburger with fries 3 times a day and not notice the slightest bit of difference, but regardless, that’s no way to live a healthy life. You are what you eat! I’m writing this post for my older sister, who you could easily envy because she can order large portions of take-out most nights yet has the most perfectly sculpted body that would take most people through some serious sweat and tears. But there are so many benefits from eating the right, non-processed foods and keeping up an exercise regime that she is missing out on. I’ve been nagging her about this for god knows how long!

Discovering the local food in a new country is one of the reasons why I love to travel. Even though I naturally prefer savory healthy foods, it can be so easy to put on weight when there are so many different delicious foods that have be tasted. No one should ever have to worry about finding a gym during their travels. Running along the beach or through a city, hiking a mountain, kayaking, surfing, just walking non-stop all’s so easy to keep active and feel great about yourself by doing so. After eating junk food it’s common to feel tired, lethargic and consequently end up in a bad mood. Low energy levels, feeling sloggish, it’s just not worth it. You’re diet and mood are 100% related, and who doesn’t want to wake up each day with that happy feeling of knowing you are healthy, strong, toned and proud of your body. Do you have an exercise regime? Do you agree that health and fitness could be number 1 on the happiness list?
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