Having finally reached one of the biggest promotions I’ll get in my career (it only took 3 years), I’m feeling so relieved and excited to share my food & travel journey with you over the last several months.
I’ll start off with a short and sweet healthy recipe for a healthy banana & blueberry smoothie. It takes seconds to make, is delicious, completely guilt-free, and has a satisfying sweetness to it too!
Banana & Blueberry Smoothie Ingredients
(serves 2)
-2 bananas
-1 large handful of fresh blueberries
-4 cups coconut water
-1 teaspoon chia seeds
-1 teaspoon flaxseeds
-ice cubes (optional)
Simply put all the ingredients in a smoothie blender (it will be easier to break the banana in to chunks first) and blend away! Leave some of the chia and flaxseeds to sprinkle on top for garnish if you wish. I always like to add a few ice cubes to the blender at the end so my smoothie is refreshingly cold. No one wants a warm smoothie.

Adding chia seeds and flaxseeds are a great additional health boost to smoothies and even on top of cereals or salads. They also help your smoothie fill you up for longer, so it’s worth buying good quality packs of both to store in the cupboard for those future smoothie cravings :).
For more juice and smoothie recipes, check out my post on a 3 day juice detox by Jason Vale, or this Superfood juice recipe.
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